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Recon 2017 or Bust!

Well the day has finally come, Recon 2017 in Orlando, Florida!  Tomorrow morning Bill of Bill's Gamer Garage and I are hitting the road starting here in Denver.  This time we will take a more southern route through Houston, then along the Gulf to the convention site.  Half the fun is in the Journey.  We are already planning a visit to the Civil War Naval Museum in Atlanta on the way back.  Can't wait!

Bill and I are bringing the usual stuff; Loads of excellent terrain, Dhows, Gunboats, Congo Boats, 15mm Dhows and Gunboats.

I will also be putting on two scenarios.  The first is a Sudan Bombardment. A kind of introductory river battle using my Gunboat and Dhows! rules.  Gunboats will be subject to entrenched batteries and maybe a couple of Dervish boats might make an appearance.  There will be plenty of boat action in this one.  

The second scenario called Get to the Boat! will be using modified rules from The Sword and the Flame.  We will be using small units in this one where the Government staff are making a run to the docks.  The heavy Gunboat Cairo has disembarked units to clear an escape path.  It will be an interesting city fight where the Dervish can appear from hidden locations around the board.  As the battle rages on the Dervish attacks will of course become more intense.  Should be a lot of Bloody fun.

Hope to see you there...Last Stand Dan

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