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Hauntings: Iolani Palace

Iolani Palace (Hawaii)

In 1882, King Kalakaua had the Iolani Palace built in Honolulu. When he died in 1891, his sister, Lili'uokalani, became Queen.  She was a beloved Queen of Hawaii until she died of a stroke in 1917.

The palace is now a museum and no one lives there—no one except the ghost of Queen Lili’uokalani, who seems to enjoy playing pranks on the security staff.

~  In the Palace’s blue room, a piano is on display in a locked glass case. The security guards have often heard music coming from the piano even though it remains completely sealed in its glass case.
~  The Queen was known to love smoking cigars.  Many tourists and people who work at the palace have reported smelling cigar smoke.  When security guards search for the offender, they never find anyone.
~  The Queen’s bedchamber is locked, however, often in the dead of night, alarms go off in the room. When the guards go to check, they find the door open, but no one inside. Even after they relock the door, the alarms will go off later, and again, they find the door ajar but the bedroom empty.
~  Towers bracket the roof of the palace.  On several occasions, security men patrolling the palace grounds, or staff members leaving late at night, report seeing a very bright light in one of the towers.  No one's ever been found there.  In fact, considering the towers aren’t even wired for electricity, there’s no explanation for the light.

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